Introduction to Dance
The introduction to dance programs is designed to initiate the young child into a dance study.
The Ballet study is presented in a fun & positive format tailored to meet each of the different age levels.
An appropriate style of Jazz & Tap readiness provides better balance, coordination, & rhythm.
Modern creative eurythmic skills develop musical awareness, increased attention span, & explore each child's creative range in a structured learning experience.
All programs are gender friendly. Recital participation is available.

Our Introduction to Dance classes, separate ages 3-4-5 into separate classes. There are marked milestones in development between each of these years.
For the London Dance Centre, ages 3 - 5 in one class doesn't work. Of course, there are exceptions & we accommodate the placement of each child.
Young children need to move at their own pace & over the years the pace changes with each child accelerating or diminishing many times.
Starting & steaming ahead is not an indicator of success, often the "turtle" passes the "hare" on the way to the finish line.
Some of our well-known professional dancers were not the "stars" of the toddler's program, but we recognize the capacity of latent development & eventually, they excelled past their peers.
Angelina Dancerina
(Introduction to Dance 1)
Age 3 (10-week sessions)
Three different sessions yearly.
Pre-school dance classes are taught by our experienced staff members.
A mature teacher can bring a balance between the need to learn & the ability to have fun.
Each session's curriculum varies in content, to give the option of taking one or more sessions in the dance year.
Isadora Dance Explorer
(Introduction to Dance 2)
Age 4 (10-week sessions)
Three different sessions yearly.
The different personalities & temperaments of the children are carefully nurtured by our qualified teaching staff, for this age level.
A) Select a 10-week session of Ballet, or Jazz, or Tap, or try them all.
Recital participation is available.
B) Divided into 10-week sessions, Ballet only.
Kinder Ballet
(Introduction to Dance 3)
Age 5 (15 weeks)
The Fundamentals of Classical
Ballet is presented enjoyably with an emphasis on body placement & dexterity. Students learn a greater sense of body control, dance terminology, & longer choreographic memory patterns.
Start: January 7, 2025
Tuesdays 6:00 - 6:45
Ballet Kaleidoscope
Age 6 - 8 (35 - weeks)
This post-pre-ballet program makes the transition from pre-ballet to the "real" world of ballet & its various aspects. Some of the creative elements of pre-ballet are preserved but at a more mature level. Formal ballet training including barre & centre work becomes more formalized. The students receive the foundation of the Vaganova Russian training system, currently used by most recognized ballet companies & professional schools (company-based) worldwide. An examination is available through the Society of Classical Ballet, Vaganova method, to those who wish to participate.
Recital participation is available & always enjoyed.
Gender friendly
Start: September 11, 2024
Wednesdays 5:30 - 6:15